A friendly, supportive open mic evening in a lovely venue. Licensed bar, free parking and great fun
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20 February 2025. Times: 19:30-22:00
Cromer Rd, West Runton, Cromer NR27 9QA
Friendly supportive atmosphere in a great welcoming venue
19 March 2025. Times: 19:30-22:00
Cromer Rd, West Runton, Cromer NR27 9QA
Friendly supportive atmosphere in a great welcoming venue
16 April 2025. Times: 19:30-22:00
Cromer Rd, West Runton, Cromer NR27 9QA
Friendly supportive atmosphere in a great welcoming venue
21 May 2025. Times: 19:30-22:00
Cromer Rd, West Runton, Cromer NR27 9QA
Friendly supportive atmosphere in a great welcoming venue
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