Rhythm Travellers are a band of seasoned musicians fronted by Julie & Bob AKA The Baroness and The Bear. They play a diverse mix of music including Self penned songs and an entertaining mix of old time Blues, Folk, Jazz and Americana influenced by the early Classics of people like Ma Rainey, Lil Green, the eclectic sounds of Tom Waits, Bob Dylan and Madeline Peyroux and modern styles of performers like The Devil Makes Three and Beth Scalet
At a recent concert Julie was complimented on having one of the most melodic voices they had heard, “conveyed with true passion.”
www.thebaronessandthebear.co.uk select the video button for Youtube video clips. Or Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheBaronessandTheBear/
Email: Bob@beautifuldays.me 01485 520650 – 07919038751 – 07951085007 In addition to playing as a band The Baroness and The Bear also perform as a duo.
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